Dear Initiative supporters
I’d like to introduce myself. My dad left my mom when I was 4. Whether or not that was a good thing I’ll never know, but I do know that if I could have made the decision he would still be in my life. My mother might as well have left with him in my opinion. I’ve been to the point that I had to heat up a coffee pot full of water and wait for it to cool just enough for a bath, but it normally became cold. I had to mature at a very young age skipping the part of having a child hood with friends and toys. I’ve been abused in several different ways, more then one person should be able to handle which is why it’s amazing I’m still here. I got sent to frank church because of my grades being F’s. That’s when I met Mr. Hawley. I came to school almost everyday with a sweatshirt that was torn, not warm, and had stains. When I was walking by, Mr. Hawley asked if I had a warm coat since it was a really cold winter. I had said that my sweater was working and I’d be fine but he could see the lie in my eyes. He had me come talk to him and I let out a lot of my life to him. He gave me a winter coat that was so extremely warm, and I still have that coat to this day even though it’s been about 3 years. Since the 3 years I have gone to Mr. Hawley for a lot but never more then I need. Whether its shampoo, a hat, or even a basketball to stay active and stress free. The incentive program has kept my school grades up, its helped me stay warm during the winter, keep me from being the gross kid at school, gave me something as simple a basketball so I could learn something I never got to as a child, new shoes so my feet wouldn’t be cramped, soaking wet, or dirty from the holes in them, and even face wash so that I could take care of my face and feel better about myself giving me confidence to talk to people instead of feeling like I was being judged for having so much acne. High school is a rough time of your life to get through. There is so much teasing, judgment, and discrimination that you can sometimes lose a lot of hope to make your life better by getting the diploma. When your personal life is as bad as not being able to go school because of signs of abuse or not affording hygienic things you begin to complete give up and just want to drop out and quit trying which leads to even worse things. But when you’re able to have some support, someone who basically takes you in anytime you need it and works hard to make sure you’re taken care of, that’s when you get hope. You get the hope that you will actually be able to make it somewhere which leads to dreams that you will be a nurse or a psychologist someday. A lot of people do not understand the impact of this program but it’s so greatly appreciated to people who have had lives like me. I’m now 19, I will be graduating in the summer, and I’m hoping to become a nurse to help others. And I truly 100% would not even be thinking of being a nurse if it hadn’t of been for Mr. Hawley helping me in so many aspects of my life. But mainly, you supporters are to thank, because you’re the ones funding this program. And I’d like to thank you and let you know what you donate? Helps children like me.

-Warm Coat in Winter